
Natural language processing (NLP)

NLP is a branch of artificial intelligence that helps computers understand, interpret and manipulate human language.

NLP draws from many disciplines, including computer science and computational linguistics, in its pursuit to fill the gap between human communication and computer understanding.

NLP solves problems:


Messages are classified according to predefined or automatically defined topics.


An annotation is automatically written to the appeal, parameters associated with addresses are added, and other useful information.


An NLP system can provide an answer to a question or recommend the most appropriate response template for a specialist.

Features and Benefits

Processing and analysis of large arrays of unlabeled data

Intelligent search on an array of data (smart knowledge base)

Self-study on new information

Typos, spelling and punctuation errors are not critical

Extracting names from texts

Differences from conventional solutions

Unlike classic chatbots and other simple natural language processing systems, the core of Acrux NLP is a Deep neural network model.

This brings our solution to a fundamentally higher level, allowing you to work better with text of any volume (both with simple phrases in the chat and extensive articles).


Highlighting and annotation

Unique feature of Acrux NLP is the ability to highlight the main idea of the incoming message and write an annotation. The system also determines names and toponyms in the text.

Artificial intelligence

Systematization by clusters

Acrux NLP system analyzes messages and classifies them by subject, importance and other parameters.

Artificial intelligence

Ignoring mistakes in text

Acrux NLP does not rely solely on word search, so typos, spelling and punctuation errors are not critical.

Artificial intelligence

Lets play a game!

To show how Natural language processing works, we invite you to try our game. The principles laid down in this game will allow you to understand how you can use NLP in your projects.


Let AI measure your creativity!

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Our latest publications

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